Fire Safety Certificate – All You Need To Know


Fire safety is of utmost importance in any commercial, residential, or industrial building. A fire safety certificate is a document that certifies that a building or structure has been assessed and meets the required fire safety standards.

In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need about a fire safety certificate.

What is a Fire Safety Certificate?

A fire safety certificate is a legal document that confirms that the construction and use of a building or structure comply with the fire safety regulations in force at the time of construction. It is issued by the relevant local authority or fire service after they have carried out a fire safety assessment of the building or structure. The certificate must be displayed in a prominent position within the building.

When is a Fire Safety Certificate Required?

A fire certificate is required for new buildings, extensions, and material alterations to existing buildings. Material alterations are defined as works that affect more than 25% of the floor area of the building or works that affect the means of escape, structure, or fire safety provisions of the building.

What Does a Fire Safety Assessment Involve?

A fire safety assessment involves inspecting the building or structure to identify potential fire hazards and ensure that appropriate fire safety measures are in place. The assessment considers the means of escape, fire detection and warning systems, fire-fighting equipment, and other fire safety features such as fire doors and fire-resistant materials.

Who Can Carry Out a Fire Safety Assessment?

A company with the necessary knowledge, training, and experience must conduct a fire safety assessment. This could be a fire safety officer from the local authority or a fire safety consultant.

How Long is a Fire Safety Certificate Valid?

A fire safety certificate is valid for the life of the building or structure, provided no material alterations are made to the building that affects the fire safety provisions.

What Happens if a Fire Safety Certificate is Not Obtained?

If a fire safety certificate is not obtained for a building or structure where it is required, the owner or occupier of the building may be liable for prosecution. In the event of a fire, insurance companies may also refuse to pay out if it is found that the building did not meet the required fire safety standards.

A Fire safety statement is a legal requirement for new buildings, extensions, and material alterations to existing buildings. If you are planning to undertake any building works, it is important to consult with a competent person with the necessary knowledge and experience to carry out a fire safety assessment and obtain a fire safety certificate where required.